Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mayday Parade

Mayday Parade are a pop rock band from Tallahassee, Florida. Mayday Parade have released one EP and two studio albums, A Lesson In Romantics (2007) and Anywhere But Here (2009).

I personally have only heard their second studio album Anywhere But Here (2009) and I really love it, it is a fun album, it has strong pop punk influences thats for sure.

Kids In Love, is probably my personal favorite song off of the album. I am actually listening to that particular song as I write this, I really like the song! These guys have an insane song writing ability as well as musical ability! As I listen to Kids In Love, the song reminds me of All Time Low. Very "teen" based, and I say that because most of their songs are about things that teens deal with on a regular basis "summer was full of mistakes that we wouldn't learn from" and if you really think about it, it takes teens more than one time to learn from a mistake! It sure takes me a few mistakes to learn from them!

I say, get on iTunes, get on Amazon or get down to your local CD store, and check out Mayday Parade, they are awesome musicians! Check them out!


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