Thursday, February 24, 2011

Drum Triggers....

So, I am starting a new business called "Mr. Trigger" I am wondering, (Drummers) have you heard of triggers? If you have, would you be interested in purchasing them?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Logic Tutorials,

After about 2 minutes of searching for some good Logic Tutorials, I found this.... check it out, I have found it extremely helpful, make sure you check it out! I will write up some documents with cool sound files, videos and also screenshots!


So, Logic is very fun to play with especially when you bring in loops and start playing with them! Tonight, I will work on some basic ass loops, maybe make a video and show you the end result! I hope you like :D


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who Wants Their Band To Be Reviewed??

Okay, so here is your chance to get your band reviewed! Do it! Just comment on this post and I will review your band, videos, quality of recording and sound! Or.... Send me some other bands pages and Ill review them and their albums!

Logic Or ProTools...

Okay, so I have been using ProTools for around a month now... and to be totally honest, I have to say I prefer Logic, it has such a more user friendly interface and it uses less physical memory which means you can use more plugins and still have little to no latency!

Don't get me wrong... I'm not going to uninstall ProTools any time soon, it is still an amazing program and one I would like to dabble more into so I can teach tutorials about it on here! Until then, I shall be giving tutorials on Logic :)

Stay Tuned!!


Getting Into A Band

I have played in a few bands.... I have only been in one that has really meant the world to me. Four Minute Affair (The name of my band). And we have had a little bit of YouTube success which has helped build us a fanbase over in Australia.

So, when you first decide to get into a band, what sort of band do you want to be? Do you want to be a covers band? or an original band?

My advice for either band type, is start with an easy cover, my bands first two songs were Holiday - GreenDay and Dammit - Blink 182, these songs are basic songs, easy on all instruments (Dammit is just exceptionally fast for the drummer) but they are songs that people know as well, so you are instantly "building a fan base" even if that does start with your fans being your mum, and some friends (they still count)

So, to find band members.... This is the hard part, to start with, make sure you know what direction you want to go in, a covers band will be easier for amateur musicians, and originals band is for more accomplished musicians as you need some experience and creativity.

I know that in New Zealand we have a website called the RockShop. They have a classifieds page in which you can find band members! I highly recommend starting with basic covers (Greenday is always good for rock bands) and then deciding on what it is you want to do!